Saturday, February 22, 2014

Beach Trip

Five Friends left Alexandria at 9am on Saturday, February 22.  We missed having Deborah Darlene go with us.  We had a few bags to pack, but we managed to get them all in Frances' SUV.  Debbie W and Debbie A were our chauffeurs for the weekend.  They did an excellent job.  Thanks to DW for making all the arrangements for our trip.  Everyone brought food....we did not go hungry.  We enjoyed steamed shrimp on Sunday night....yum!!

Thanks to Amy and Brad for providing lunch and bathrooms!  I failed to get pictures on that stop.  We had a very special little passenger that I also failed to get a picture of......sweet Lexie rode with us to Amy's and back from Amy's to home.  She was a very good traveler.

We left at 7:30am to return home on Tuesday.......FUN time had by all!....except Kathy pulled something in her back and she wasn't too springy on Monday or Tuesday.....we hope she is better SOON!

They are saying "there can't be MORE luggage"
Packed and ready to rear door with caution!
First "potty" stop and for gas.
We had a few steps to go up.....we all got our workout for the day with the many trips we made.
Pretty view on Saturday evening.
Wrap around porch.
Lovely ladies.
The winner of the Phase 10 game was.....drum roll please......CAROLYN!!!
The winner of the Mexican train game was.....drum roll please......CAROLYN!!!  Could that be?  Could one person be so very skilled at playing games.......very impressive!!

We had some very competitive games.......some people screamed a lot, but I won't mention names!
Who is wearing these lovely slippers?
DW practicing her ballet skills!
This is how close we were to beach......


We ate here Monday night.
Delicious hamburger
Shrimp and grits
Debbie's sandwich....forgot the name!

We felt like we were back in the 50's so we said.....Let's do the TWIST!!!


Playing Phase 10 with Aunt Margaret
We ate here Saturday night and I forgot my camera!!
Goat Trees

We saw these pelicans on our tour and took a "few" pictures!
Is he catching a fish?

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